Diacell® CryoDAC-PPMS

Transport measurements, Quantum Design PPMS®, Pmax = 20 GPa, Tmin = 4 K, WD = 10 mm

Diacell® CryoDAC Series

  • The Diacell® CryoDAC-PPMS is designed for electrical transport measurements in QD’s PPMS® platform
  • The cell has been engineered so that it connects to the PPMS® using a similar puck to that found in the original system
  • A printed circuit board (PCB), which can be screwed on the top of the piston and near the anvils, is included. The electrical connections between sample and this PCB and from there to the puck must be made by the user
  • The Diacell® CryoDAC-PPMS can also be used for optical measurements in the PPMS®. The numerical aperture of the DAC is 0.34
  • YouTube video

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SKU: A82000


The Diacell® CryoDAC-PPMS is a diamond anvil cell designed primarily for transport measurements in a Quantum Design PPMS® platform, but it can also accommodate optical measurements equally well.  The cell has been engineered so that it connects to the PPMS® using a similar puck to that found in the original system.  Fitted as standard with type Ia diamond anvils (C=0.2 ->1.00 mm to be selected at time of ordering, C= 0.50 mm would provide an expected pressure of 20 GPa). We recommend to order bevelled diamond anvils to prevent damages of electrical wires coming out of the gasket.

Once connected to the PPMS®, the sample is at the centre field of the system and electrical connections are made the usual way between the puck and the bottom of the sample tube.  AC and DC resistivity measurements can then be carried out using the original ACT MultiVu software.

A printed circuit board (PCB), which can be screwed on the top of the piston and near the anvils, is also included with the cell.  This helps with the making of the electrical connections to the sample.  However, the electrical connections themselves (between sample and this pcb and from there to the puck) must be made by the user.  Carrying out electrical resistivity with a DAC is an extremely stringent pressure technique requiring a great deal of skill, particularly with regards to getting the electrical wires from the sample through the gasket.  For examples on how this can be accomplished please refer to the following articles:
– A. Jayaraman, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 57, 1013 (1986);
– D. Tristan Jover et al., Phys. Rev. B 54, 10175 (1996);
– C. Gao et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 083912 (2005).


Cell Material High Strength Beryllium Copper Alloy
Anvil Support Plate Beryllium Copper
Diamond Anvil Design Diacell Design 2.50mm
Pressure Mechanism Screw Drive
Maximum Pressure 20 GPa
Temperature Range 4 K
Top Angle Conical 40º
Bottom Angle Conical 6º
Lateral Access 4 large sight holes (7 mm by 4 mm)
Heating N/A
Cooling Via PPMS® Cryostat
DAC Diameter 24 mm
DAC Height 48 mm (exc. Puck)
Working Distance to Sample 10 mm
Numerical Aperture 0.34
Interfacing Solution PPMS®-type puck
DAC Weight 140 g

Maximum pressure is dependent upon the culet size of the anvils. Almax easyLab is committed to its policy of continuous improvement. Specifications may change without notice. easyLab and Diacell are registered trademarks of Almax easyLab. PPMS is a registered trademark of Quantum Design, Inc.


We have compiled a series of technical documents (brochures, articles, technical drawings, …) which you might find useful to help you understand this product better.

Technical documentation

Brochure CryoDAC-PPMS

Technical Drawing

Please contact us for further details on the engineering drawings.


2021 – Li et al. – Pressure tuning of the iron-based superconductor (Ca0.73La0.27)FeAs2

2020 – Si et al. – Unconventional Superconductivity Induced by Suppressing an Iron-Selenium-Based Mott Insulator CsFe4 − xSe4

2017 – Liu et al. – Absence of superconductivity in LiPdHx

Spares, Accessories and Options

Our diamond anvil cells are aligned and mechanically tested before leaving our factory on their way to your laboratory.

They also come supplied with the required basic tooling, including gasket blanks, to use them. All is contained in the transportation casing to move around laboratories easily.

Below you can find some of the accessories and spares you might also consider. If you cannot find what you need, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

    Diamond anvil fitted in ring Diamond Anvils
2.5 mm Diacell® design diamond anvils, fitted in BeCu rings for easy fitting in the CryoDAC-PPMS
Product code: [P00131], [M50011]
Anvil Support Plate
Hardened BeCu anvil seat, 40° conical aperture
Product code: [M82002]
For integration with commercial PPMS equipment
Product code: [A05100]
Custom Probe for Cryostat
Purposely designed probe to integrate the CryoDAC-PPMS into specific cryostats
Product code: [Consult us]
Intelligent Anvil (i- diamonds)
Patterning of intelligent anvil with 8 tungsten leads (10 μm width) covered by a thin insulating layer of diamond.
Product code: [P02193]
Patterned Anvil
Gold patterning of 4 electrodes, Inter-distance = 0.1 mm (C=0.40 mm)/ or 0.2 mm (C= 0.80 mm)
Product code: [P01862]
PCB to connect electrical leads for transport measurements
Product code: [P00486]


What is the maximum pressure I can achieve with the CryoDAC PPMS and a given culet size?

Culet size (µm) 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000
Pmax (GPa) (*) N/A 48 31 20 14 8 5

(*) The Pmax values are only indicative. The maximum pressure achievable with a DAC is influenced by many others experimental parameters, like the gasket characteristics (material, thickness and hole size) or the pressure transmitting medium.


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