Diacell® OmniDAC

Optical and X-ray Spectroscopy, Pmax = 100 GPa, Tmax = 800 K, WD = 12 mm, A = 50°
  • Maximum pressures of up to above 100 GPa may be obtained with the Diacell® OmniDAC
  • Fitted with type IIas ultra low fluorescence anvils, Diacell® OmniDAC is suitable for Raman spectroscopy
  • The Diacell® OmniDAC has a numerical aperture of 0.42
  • X-ray experiments are also possible, the cell has extended lateral sight holes allowing the observation of scatter at directions normal to the cell axis as well (16°of 2θ is accessible)
  • An optional heater is available, enabling high pressure research up to above 800 K
  • Gas membrane driven, the pressure can be changed whilst the DAC is mounted on the spectrometer or X-ray stage

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SKU: A54000


The Diacell® OmniDAC was designed for both X-ray diffraction and optical studies taking advantage of the gas membrane drive mechanism. Extended lateral sight holes allow the observation of scatter at directions normal to the cell axis. The Diacell® OmniDAC can be equipped (as an option) with an internal ring heater enabling the heating of the sample to about 800 K.

The gas membrane drive requires, additionally, the Diacell® GM Controller unit containing valves, couplings, pressure measurement and digital display modules.


The Diacell® OmniDAC was designed for both X-ray diffraction and optical studies at room and high-temperatures.


Cell Material AISI 440C
Anvil Support Plate Tungsten Carbide
Diamond Anvil Design Diacell Design 3.10 mm
Pressure Mechanism Gas Membrane
Maximum Pressure >100 GPa
Temperature Range 295 to 800 K
Top Angle Conical 50º
Bottom Angle Conical 50º
Lateral Access 16° of 2θ is accessible
Heating Internal ring heater (option)
Cooling N/A
DAC Diameter 51 mm
DAC Height 35 mm
Working Distance to Sample 12 mm
Numerical Aperture 0.42
DAC Weight 330 g

Maximum pressure is dependent upon the culet size of the anvils. Almax easyLab is committed to its policy of continuous improvement. Specifications may change without notice. easyLab and Diacell are registered trademarks of Almax easyLab.


We have compiled a series of technical documents (brochures, articles, technical drawings, …) which you might find useful to help you understand this product better.

Technical documentation

Brochure OmniDAC

Technical Drawing

Please contact us for further details on the engineering drawings.


2007 – Haskel et al. – Instrument for x-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements at high pressures

Spares, Accessories and Options

Our diamond anvil cells are aligned and mechanically tested before leaving our factory on their way to your laboratory.

They also come supplied with the required basic tooling, including gasket blanks, to use them. All is contained in the transportation casing to move around laboratories easily.

Below you can find some of the accessories and spares you might also consider. If you cannot find what you need, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

Diamond Anvils
3.1 mm Diacell® design diamond anvils, fitted in steel rings for easy fitting in the OmniDAC
Product code: [P00132], [M50006]
Anvil Support Plate
Seat, 50 Degrees, Tungsten carbide
Product code: [P00124]
Gas Membrane
Gas membrane suitable for the Diacell® OmniDAC
Product code: [A76020]
Diacell® Gearbox
Gearbox for the Diacell® Omni-DAC. Mainly used as gasket pre-indentation tool
Product code: [A54100]
Ring Heater
Ring heater & type-K thermocouple
Product code: [A55100]
Programmable Power Supply
PS-03 – Keithley/Temperature Reader including Labview based programm
Product code: [A75060]
Clamps Kit for OmniDAC
Clamps for cryogenic gas loading in the OmniDAC. To be used in conjunction with the Diacell® Cryoloader
Product code: [A30060]
Gas loading kit
Gas loader kit for loading the OmniDAC with compressed gases. Compatible with Top Industrie High Pressure Gas Loader
Product code: [A96500]
Gasket Blanks
10 mm/ 0.25 mm thick Stainless Steel gasket blanks
Product code: [P00113]


What is the maximum pressure I can achieve with the OmniDAC and a given culet size?

Culet size (µm) 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000
Pmax (GPa) (*) 114 98 63 41 28 16 10

(*) The Pmax values are only indicative. The maximum pressure achievable with a DAC is influenced by many others experimental parameters, like the gasket characteristics (material, thickness and hole size) or the pressure transmitting medium.

Can I carry out cryogenic Argon loading with the OmniDAC?

Yes it is possible to use cryogenic loading with the OmniDAC.

Can one use the Diacell OmniDAC for high pressure gas loading?

Yes. This diamond anvil cell is designed to accommodate some clamping screws (supplied as standard with the cell) running through the cylinder and enabling the piston to be fixed mechanically after a high pressure gas loading. The exact details of the gas loading and loading mechanism need to be engineered and Almax easylab offers a loading mechanism kit for such application. Consult us.

What makes the OmniDAC unique?

The OmniDAC is a diamond anvil cell with unique supporting seats and diamond anvil dimensions, enabling both optical and substantial X-Ray diffraction measurements with a 52-degree aperture. It works with a reliable gas membrane system for in-situ pressure adjustments on a spectrometer, saving setup time. An optional internal heater sets it apart from competitors. Its high precision machining allows it to generate very high pressures in the Mbar range. When paired with the iGM gas controller, it utilizes Almax easyLab’s High Pressure Manager software for automated measurement and pressure control, a unique feature exclusive to Almax easyLab.


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