
Diacell® PanoramicDAC

NRIXS, Mossbauer, Pmax = 100 GPa, T= 300 K, WD = 19 mm, 3 x 105° azimuthal openings
  • The Diacell® PanoramicDAC is suitable for many applications such as Mossbauer, Raman, Brillouin spectroscopies, nuclear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (NRIXS), nuclear forward scattering (NFS) techniques
  • The cell enables measurements both via its three large azimuthal openings (through gasket) or the conventional axial conical apertures (through diamond anvils)
  • The 3 side ports on the Diacell® PanoramicDAC have openings of 105° (azimuthal) by 67° (axial)
  • In the Diacell® PanoramicDAC, high pressures are generated by Almax easyLab proprietary gas membrane, although it can also be operated manually via a set of clamping screws
  • Maximum pressure of up to above 100 GPa may be obtained with the Diacell® PanoramicDAC

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SKU: A24000

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The Diacell® PanoramicDAC is a diamond anvil cell suitable for many applications such as Mossbauer, Raman and Brillouin spectroscopies, nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS), nuclear forward scattering (NFS) techniques amongst others.

This cell enables measurements both via its three large azimuthal openings (through gasket) or the conventional axial conical apertures (through diamond anvils).

The DAC body has three 105° azimuthal openings allowing access to 315° out of 360° worth of radial diffraction. The azimuthal opening in horizontal direction is completed with 67° radial vertical opening.

High pressures are generated by the original gas membrane driven design from Diacell®.  However, this cell can also be operated manually via its clamping screws.


Cell Material Maraging Steel
Anvil Support Plate Tungsten Carbide
Diamond Anvil Design Standard Design 3.50mm
Pressure Mechanism Gas membrane or Screw Drive
Maximum Pressure  100 GPa
Temperature Range 300 K
Top Angle Optical: conical 18º
Bottom Angle Optical: conical 62°
Azimuthal Ports 3 ports:  105° (azimuthal) by 67° (axial)
Heating N/A
Cooling N/A
DAC Diameter 59 mm
DAC Height 76 mm
Working Distance to Sample 19 mm
Numerical Aperture 0.50
Interfacing Solution TBC
DAC Weight TBC

Maximum pressure is dependent upon the culet size of the anvils. Almax easyLab is committed to its policy of continuous improvement. Specifications may change without notice. easyLab and Diacell are registered trademarks of Almax easyLab.


We have compiled a series of technical documents (brochures, articles, technical drawings, …) which you might find useful to help you understand this product better.

Technical documentation

Brochure PanoramicDAC

Technical Drawing

Please contact us for further details on the engineering drawings.

Spares, Accessories and Options

Our diamond anvil cells are aligned and mechanically tested before leaving our factory on their way to your laboratory.

They also come supplied with the required basic tooling, including gasket blanks, to use them. All is contained in the transportation casing to move around laboratories easily.

Below you can find some of the accessories and spares you might also consider. If you cannot find what you need, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

Diamond Anvils
3.50 mm diameter, Standard design diamond anvils
Product code: [P01007]
Anvil Support Plate
Tungsten carbide seat , 60°
Product code: [P01146]
Gas Membrane 
Gas membrane for the Panoramic DAC (G) version
Product code: [A76020]
Gas membrane kit
Gas membrane kit for the Panoramic DAC. Upgrade to gas membrane driven option
Product code: [A24300]
Gasket Blanks
Gasket blanks, different materials available (Steel, Inconel, Beryllium Copper Alloy, Rhenium)
Product code: [Please contact us]


What is the maximum pressure I can achieve with the Panoramic DAC and a given culet size?

Culet size (µm) 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000
Pmax (GPa) (*) N/A 98 63 41 28 16 10

(*) The Pmax values are only indicative. The maximum pressure achievable with a DAC is influenced by many others experimental parameters, like the gasket characteristics (material, thickness and hole size) or the pressure transmitting medium.


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